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FastBlast Daily Essentials

FastBlast Daily Essentials

USDA Certified Organic Soy Free Vegan Friendly No Added Sugar Non-GMO Dairy Free

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$119.95 $29.98/count

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Supercharge your life with a blast of 30 superfoods.

Includes 10 Alkalizing Greens and 10 Fermented Fruits and Vegetables.

Just one scoop of FastBlast Daily Essentials provides: 10 of the most powerful fermented fruits, vegetables and herbs, the probiotic equivalent of 1 serving of yogurt for digestive support, and the oat beta glucan equivalent of 3 servings of oatmeal for a healthy heart!

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Soy Free
  • Vegan Friendly
  • No Added Sugar
  • Non-GMO
  • Dairy Free

Add one scoop each morning to water, juice or smoothie.

Fermentation is the utilization of naturally occurring microscopic bacteria in foods to transform proteins and starches into acetic and lactic acid. This process is necessary for numerous benefits including:


  • Enhancing the nutritional quality of food by contributing beneficial compounds such as enzymes and additional vitamins.
  • Increasing the bioavailability of food, allowing the body to quickly digest and absorb crucial vitamins and nutrients.
  • Helping balance and build a strong internal microbiome which regulates the immune system and metabolism.
  • Sustaining the digestive tract and supports mood and brain function.
Oat Beta Glucans
Green Tea
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Try and feel our advantages 
for yourself

    Simple meal planning

    Where many diets complicate your life with planning meals, purchasing ingredients, preparing, cooking and cleaning up; our go-anywhere  FastBlast Smoothies are convenient and easy to use. Just twist off the top, squeeze and enjoy.

    Optimize your gut health

    Daily Essentials contains 10 fermented fruits and vegetables, digestive enzymes and live probiotics — fermentation and enzymes increase the bioavailability of food, allowing the body to quickly digest and absorb crucial nutrients, vitamins, and probiotics to build a strong internal microbiome for a healthy gut and metabolism.

    Blast your cells with optimal nutrition

    Just one scoop of Daily Essentials contains 30 Superfoods, 10 Alkalizing Greens, 10 of the most powerful fermented fruits, vegetables and herbs along with digestive enzymes and probiotics. Daily Essentials will easily allow you to fill the nutritional gaps currently missing in your diet.  

    Maintain energy

    FastBlast Smoothies maintain your energy by blasting your cells with high quality nutrition like organic fermented fruits and vegetables, organic pea protein and medium chain fatty acids from coconut.

    Build your immune system

    Daily Essentials contains a blast of fruits, vegetables and herbs well-known for their ability to support a healthy immune system including: Beta Glucans, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Turmeric, Goji, Acai and Ginseng.

    Stay full and satisfied

    FastBlast Smoothies are specifically formulated to control your appetite and leave you feeling full and satisfied for hours.

Find answers to the most popular questions

FastBlast Daily is a high-performance therapeutic food. Its components work together, in synergy, to activate the major physiologic processes of the body:

  •  The probiotics prepare the body to digest and assimilate food efficiently. 
  • The enzymes activate digestion. 
  • Fermentation enhances the synergy of the ingredients and delivers enhanced health benefits. Fermentation improves the body’s ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients (bioavailability) and introduces probiotics, the good bacteria essential for healthy digestion. 
  • The complexity of the whole-foods matrix in FastBlast Daily enhances the ability of the genome to adapt to changes in the environment. 
  • The herbal elements can help modulate the inflammatory system.

The primary difference between FastBlast Daily and other nutritional products is that FastBlast Daily is specifically designed to fill the nutritional gaps between the diets of the world’s healthiest people and people living in the modern world of fast food, chronic stress and exposure to a variety of harmful chemicals. 

 FastBlast Daily– our whole food, organic, fermented nutritional supplement – was created to support those with busy lives, enabling you to easily and conveniently incorporate fermented foods consumed by the healthiest people on the planet into our daily lives. The first main differentiator between FastBlast Daily and other nutritional supplements is that FastBlast Daily is a fermented, organic, plant-based whole food. The vast majority of nutritional supplements on the market are synthetic, or at the very least, contain synthetic ingredients. Second, FastBlast Daily includes the specific foods consumed by the world’s healthiest people. Third, FastBlast Daily is USDA Certified Organic, vegan, dairy free and GMO free. And most importantly, FastBlast Daily is fermented. The process of fermentation breaks down the nutrition so it becomes highly bioavailable to the body.

FastBlast Daily was created to bridge the nutritional gap between the Standard American Diet (SAD) and what individuals in Longevity Hot Spots have consumed for millennia. When you take FastBlast Daily as recommended, you give your body the nutritional support to help you reach optimal health—the kind of health enjoyed by Longevity Hot Spot residents.

The manufacturing facility is in the US, and the vast majority of ingredients are sourced from organic farmland in US. Depending on availability some ingredients are sourced outside the US from time to time.

Currently FastBlast Daily is available online and through select wellness practitioners in the US and soon will be available in select health food stores in the US.

FastBlast Daily has a pH of 8.53.

When the foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) arrive at the manufacturing facility, they are cleaned, dehydrated and run through a specifically calibrated fine mesh screen. Next, the ingredients that will be fermented are placed into the fermentation vat for processing. Once completed, the other ingredients, i.e., probiotics, enzymes and minerals are added and the finished product is placed into containers. There are no harmful chemicals used in the process.

FastBlast Daily was not created specifically to be a high ORAC product although it has a fairly high ORAC simply because it contains very nutrient dense fruits and vegetables. Some companies play an ORAC game of “how high can we go”. However, most recent studies show that extremely high ORAC products reach a point of diminished returns and can even be counterproductive for health, since we actually need some free radicals in our immune system. Additionally, some antioxidants in supplement form are not natural (synthetic) and can become free radicals themselves, which does not happen when consumed from whole food form (an antioxidant becomes a free radical as soon as it donates its electron to neutralize another free radical. Another antioxidant then comes along and neutralizes the new free radical, and so on in a chain. In a food, the antioxidant power will happen and then it will all get neutralized). However, there is no research suggesting the same of high ORAC food. As per usual, if it’s something that would be part of a natural diet, it’s almost certain to be healthy. Each scoop of FastBlast Daily has an ORAC of approximately 1250, so two scoops would be around 2500. Where FastBlast Daily differs from most HIGH ORAC products is that FastBlast Daily is not an isolated nutrient such as a synthetic vitamin supplement or juice. It is estimated that average ORAC in the Longevity Hot Spots range between 10,000 to 15,000. The RDA recommends daily ORAC amount is 3500-6000.

FastBlast Daily is considered FDA GRAS (generally recognized as safe) which means all of the ingredients in FastBlast Daily are recognized by the FDA as safe for human consumption. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), dietary supplement manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. There is no FDA requirement to register products with the FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Manufacturers must make sure that the product label information is truthful and not misleading, and the FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement. The FDA does regulate the types of claims that can be made about supplements and food. Two servings of FastBlast Daily qualifies for the FDA's "heart health" claim.

FastBlast Daily is considered FDA GRAS (generally recognized as safe) which means all of the ingredients in FastBlast Daily are recognized by the FDA as safe for human consumption. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), dietary supplement manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. There is no FDA requirement to register products with the FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Manufacturers must make sure that the product label information is truthful and not misleading, and the FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement. The FDA does regulate the types of claims that can be made about supplements and food. Two servings of FastBlast Daily qualifies for the FDA's "heart health" claim.

FastBlast Daily is very stable and is best used within two years of purchase. Because it contains live food, it should be stored in a cool, dry place. However, FastBlast Daily will not spoil and can be used safely for up to twenty years of manufacture date.

FastBlast Daily does not require refrigeration. However, to maximize freshness and maintain the integrity of the live microorganisms, it’s best to refrigerate after opening.

If FastBlast Daily was encapsulated it would require 22 500mg capsules to equate to one serving (scoop). Some people take two and sometime three scoops per day which would be as much as 66 capsules. That's a lot of great high quality nutrition, but no one would choose to take that many capsules per day. The powder mixes easily in a variety of juices, flavored water and smoothies.

Although FastBlast Daily contains some of the most powerful green superfoods (organic broccoli, organic spinach, organic kale, organic parsley, organic spirulina, organic Chlorella), FastBlast Daily primarily consists of a variety of beneficial ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, cocoa, beta glucans, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics. It is also fermented for maximum benefit, and most green superfoods are not fermented. Please read other FAQ's "Why is FastBlast Daily fermented?" and "How does FastBlast Daily compare to other nutritional supplements (nutrition)?"

FastBlast Daily is an organic, fermented, whole food nutritional supplement derived from the diets of the healthiest people on earth. The vast majority of nutritional supplements on the market are synthetic, meaning their ingredients were manufactured in a laboratory rather than grown on a farm. Even the vast majority of nutritional supplements that are called “whole food” contain synthetic ingredients and are neither organic or fermented. When comparing FastBlast Daily to other nutritional supplements, you must consider three primary factors:

  • Whole Food: The ingredients in FastBlast Daily are derived from whole foods, which means that the ingredients were not created in a laboratory and pressed out millions per day on a conveyor. The ingredients in FastBlast Daily began with a seed which was planted into the ground, nurtured, harvested, taken to market, cleaned, dehydrated, fermented and packaged for delivery. 
  • Organic: The vast majority (98%) of ingredients in FastBlast Daily are organic, which means they are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, bioengineering or ionizing radiation. Our farmers use renewable resources and conserve soil and waste. If you’ve ever purchased organic produce from the grocery store, you are aware of the dramatic difference in cost between conventional and organic. Typically, producing organic fruits and vegetables over conventional produce adds approximately 30% to the overall cost. 
  • Fermented: The vast majority of ingredients in FastBlast Daily have been fermented for maximum bioavailability. The process of fermentation requires very specialized equipment along with an increase in additional production time and expense.

Currently there is no organic, completely whole food nutritional supplement (with no synthetics, fillers or sweeteners) on the market, that has a lower price per gram for nutrition delivered. FastBlast Daily is also fermented, which adds an additional layer of expense. FastBlast Daily delivers 11 grams of nutrition in every serving (scoop) and contains no synthetics, sweeteners or binders (all of which are very inexpensive to produce). If FastBlast Daily were delivered in capsule form it would require 22, 500 mg capsules to equate to one serving. There is truly no comparable product on the market. Products that are labeled whole food, usually suggest taking 2 to 4 capsules once or twice daily. This equates to around 1-4 grams of nutrition per day compared to 11-22 grams of nutrition you gain with just one serving of FastBlast Daily. Once volume of nutrition is considered, FastBlast Daily is clearly the best value. We have nothing more valuable than our health and it’s important to spend our dollars wisely. All things considered, FastBlast Daily is a great value when compared with either actual food or comparable nutritional supplementation.

Fermentation requires heat of around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Following fermentation, Essentials is heated to 120 degrees to stop the fermentation process.

At FastBlast Daily we are committed to the service and satisfaction of our customers. We are so confident in the quality and effectiveness of all our products that we provide our customers an industry leading risk free trial.

All products carry a risk free trial for 30 days from the date of your first purchase. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please return any unused portion for a refund of the purchase price, less shipping.

Our goal is to make sure you are 100% satisfied with our products, service, and your purchase. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please allow us the opportunity to create a better experience for you. For comments and recommendations please contact us at:

We recommend mixing FastBlast Daily in a beverage of your choice or blending into a smoothie. FastBlast Daily does not contain sweeteners or flavorings and has a neutral, natural flavor that takes on the taste of your choice of beverage. When mixing with liquid such as water or juice we recommend using 8-12 oz. of liquid followed by additional water. When mixing in juice, it is recommended to dilute with water since fruit juice can spike blood sugar. For diabetics and those wishing to lose weight, this is especially important. Pour just a couple of ounces of juice in the FastBlast Daily shaker bottle and fill the rest with water. This will be enough juice for flavoring without the additional unwanted calories and possible spike in blood sugar.

Ideally FastBlast Daily should be taken first thing in the morning. If taking a second or more scoops, it’s best to spread them out throughout the day when possible. Always follow by drinking an additional eight ounces of water.

We recommend one to two scoops per day as the optimal daily dosage. Since FastBlast Daily is a whole food, individuals can take as much as desired.

Customer Reviews

Based on 106 reviews
Linda McGowan

I have been a fastblast customer for over 10 years. I can’t get through to anyone on your customer service numbers . I have sent two emails attempting to get to the bottom of this delivery issue.

I was charged for fastblast on my 15 Jan 2025. The package never arrived. I have cameras that would record and deliveries. I checked with the Post Office twice and they don’t have the package.

I would think you would want to keep a long term customer happy, but maybe not.
Linda McGowan
215 Topsail Rd
N Topsail Beach

Kathryn Dennis
Best nutrients drink around.

I've taken FastBlast since it's creation as Akea, 20+ years. Best nutrient drink around.

Charles Baker
Great For Fasting

Mental Clarity, Energy, Improved Sleep and decreased appetite. I've been taking two scoops daily. It makes fasting easier.

Cathy B.

FastBlast has changed me. My gut seemed to be sour most of the time. Not now! 1 scoop a day in water. Bonus- It's an OK taste.

Elaine Wilkinson
Love fast blast daily essentials

I put it in my Ninja with a banana & yogurt & love it.