My name is William King, and years ago, while I was bedridden due to a tragic skiing accident; I made the conscious choice to do whatever it took to figure out the secrets to vibrant health.
This quest has spanned decades and it was a specific incident while on a business trip in Nosara, Costa Rica, that changed my life for the better.
My friend, Marco, made me aware that many of the people that inhabited the tiny town of Nosara regularly lived healthy, vibrant lives well into their 90s and even living well past 100.
It was this discovery that led me to partner with research scientists who were aware of these types of pockets around the world which have been deemed “Longevity Hot Spots.”
But what was it that was so different about the people of Nosara, and the rest of the people that lived in these “Longevity Hot Spots”?
Here are just a few examples of what these people consume on a daily basis to become the longest living and healthiest people on Earth:
- They consume a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables.
- They use herbs such as turmeric, ginger, ginseng and black garlic.
- They have specific ingredients like cacao in Costa Rica and green tea in Okinawa.
- They all have very healthy digestive systems.
- And, amazingly, they all consume fermented foods on a daily basis.
What Are Fermented Foods Anyhow?
If you initially thought of beer or wine when you heard the word “fermented” then you’re not alone.
The easiest explanation is that fermented foods is food that is broken down while it is simultaneously being preserved.
The reason why fermented foods are so good for you is for two primary reasons:
1. The food is easier for your digestive system to process, and;
2. It also creates enzymes called probiotics that improve your gut health.
Some common examples of fermented foods that you might be familiar with include: pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha. The list goes on and on.
It’s not as though fermented foods are new, either. Research suggests that people have been creating fermented foods for over 8,000 years.
Ultimately, people have developed these fermenting techniques out of necessity to preserve their foods for long periods of time since refrigeration and canning did not exist.
How Can I Start Consuming More Fermented Foods?
If you want to introduce more fermented foods into your diet, you can pick them up at a local grocery or health food store. There are also DIY home kits that allow you to produce fermented products yourself.
Of course this is a trade-off between your time and money as a buying fermented foods will cost more but save you the time that it takes to produce them yourself.
If you do choose to produce fermented foods yourself, you’ll obviously save money by not purchasing the store goods but the fermentation process is rather arduous and time-consuming.
If you’re interested in producing your own fermented foods, check out these step-by-step instructions that Cultures for Health has put together.
What do you think? Would you be willing to try fermented foods every single day?